Wednesday 14 May 2014

Wednesday, May 14

Dear Div 8 and others,
Hello from hot Monte Plata! Today was a normal school day at the Escuela Eva Russell. The older students are taking one exam a day. I spent the morning translating your letters that the students will receive next week. Today I finished div 8 letters and now I am working on Div 4 letters. Your wrote such beautiful letters! I know the students will LOVE them.
How is hip hop going this week? I hope you are enjoying each day! from Mrs Jung
These  grade 1 students are picking up their snack of milk and bread.

Students on a break

These students are playing a game of group volleyball.

grade 7 and 8 playing basketball

Students loved seeing your letters while I translated them!


  1. Hello from Division 8! The students were very excited to read your blog and have many questions for you. We decided to narrow it down to just a few. What types of foods are you eating? Where are you staying? What kinds of games to the children play? Happy to hear you are having a good time. The students miss you! :)

  2. We just figured out how to post our comment! The students were very excited to read your latest post and were ecstatic to see their letters and photos in the picture. Hip Hop has been going well. There are many excellent dancers in the class who are easily mastering the moves. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more! :)

  3. Hi! I am eating some of my very favourite foods! Everyday we have rice and beans usually for lunch. Tonight we had macaroni and cheese with tostones (my FAVOURITE) which is a fried plantain. We have walked to the ice cream store in town twice! We eat lots of delicious fruit like pineapple, melon, watermelon, papaya and mango. We are staying in a dorm area of the school. I'm sleeping on the bottom bunk. Here the kids love the playground, they love hop scotch, clapping hand games, tag and hide and go seek. Keep on working hard! I miss you! -Mrs Jung
