Wednesday 21 May 2014

Wednesday May 21

Today the grade 4 class welcomed me into their room. I shared Div 8 letters with them. They LOVED seeing your photos and reading your letters. They worked hard on writing their letters and enjoyed drawing pictures for you.


  1. Mrs Jung, The kids were SO excited to see more of their pictures and letters with the children over there. There were lots of questions and comments from Div.8. One thing that pretty much eveyone wrote was how much they miss you! Avni really liked seeing the different hairstyles. Many also wanted you to know what a great time they had on the field trip to the MOA. We made bracelets at the end of our program out of a wet grass. Diego wanted to know if students there make bracelets, and if so, what kinds of materials do they use? Many also wondered if any of your students go on field trips, and what kinds of places they would go. Fatima wanted to know if there are any animals there that we don't see here in Vancouver. There more questions, but I will leave them for now! Glad to see you are doing well and we look forward to hopefully another post before the weekend!

    Div. 8

    1. Dear Div 8, Oh, I really miss you too!! I can't wait to see you again really soon and catch up on everything. I'm so glad your field trip to the museum of anthropology went well and you learned lots. It's such a beautiful place to visit, right in our city.
      The students here do make bracelets, and they make them out of the same things we do in Vancouver. Lots of thread, bead bracelets, but have not seen any of the rubber band ones.
      The students don't go on many field trips, but they do go on some. Last weekend a small group of girls went to a town called Bani and were in a memorizing competition. There were over 200 kids there and they got two second place trophies!
      Well, the animals we see here are pretty common- but how we see them is interesting. Today we were driving in a van and we passed a pick up truck that had a donkey in the back! Also, saw lots of cows, goats, horses and one peacock. But we see tons of mosquitoes. I have bites all over my legs. Last week we saw a huge flying beetle. It flew into someone's hair and it was really freaky! Then it started swarming around the room and I felt like it was following me! It soon hit a wall, dropped to the floor and then a girl calmly went over, picked it up and threw it out the window it had come from! It seemed as large as a bat.
      Today I worked with grade 3, grade 6 and grade 7.
      I also went to an amazing waterfall after work and we got to go swimming! It was spectacular!
      I miss you guys, see you soon!!- Mrs Jung
